two co-workers reviewing data on a tablet

Bright™ prompts phone screenshot

Leverage AI-powered prompts for better employee feedback

Automatically get more context from open-text survey responses to drive greater insights and analysis.

  • AI-generated single follow-up question in survey flow
  • Automatic question send to solicit more context
  • Response consolidation to promote leadership efficiency

trending topics screenshot from Bright AI

Proactively respond to workforce trends

Explore trends and sentiment in employee feedback to address issues early and maximize on positive initiatives.

  • Trending topics surfaced from workforce feedback across your organization
  • Track changes in trends over time
  • Sentiment analysis by topic

Comment Analysis screenshot from Bright AI

Gain deeper insight into survey responses

Drill down into employee comments across your organization with comment analysis.

  • Full text keyword search
  • Term expansion
  • Segmentable keyword sentiment and frequency reports

Jamie’s experience with WorkStep

“Using WorkStep has helped give us the data we need to understand exactly what’s affecting employee turnover. Using this data, we can react immediately. Thanks to WorkStep, we’ve dramatically improved retention and increased new hire satisfaction and preparedness.”

Jamie Anderson, Director of Talent Pipeline Program, NFI

Jamie Anderson