Employee Feedback & Surveys

WorkStep continuous listening and employee feedback loop

Gather real-time employee feedback

A comprehensive listening solution with point-in-time and continuous listening capabilities.

  • Continuous listening milestone surveys and always on feedback collection
  • Organization-wide annual engagement surveys
  • Multi-channel deliverability (SMS & email) and bi-directional communications

employee survey on mobile device

Utilize expert-backed survey
question sets

Launch your employee surveys in a flash with out-of-the-box frontline, salaried, and custom question sets.

  • Backed by workplace I/O and industry experts
  • Rigorously tested and reviewed for correlation to business outcomes
  • Benchmarkable to 2M customer data points from 100K+ frontline employees

employee feedback survey

Customize your employee feedback survey

Tailor your surveys to meet the unique needs of your workforce.

  • Branded and tailor-made surveys globally or locally
  • Benchmark results against your historical data and across employee segments
  • Consultation with our team of workplace I/O experts

WorkStep employee feedback question set methodology

Tie continuous listening to actionable insights

Foster a culture of continuous improvement and encourage employee advocacy. Use our comprehensive listening solutions to capture feedback at every stage of the employee lifecycle and drive positive change across the organization.

  • Themes to identify patterns and trends in employee sentiment
  • Personalized recommendations to improve the worker experience
  • Action-based reports and analysis

Randy’s experience with WorkStep

“With real-time employee sentiment tied to workforce outcomes, we’re able to quickly gather insights and take informed action.”

Randy Tucker, CEO, Wineshipping

Randy Tucker, CEO, Wineshipping