Your frontline employee experience platform

Gather real-time insights with employee listening

Collect feedback from your frontline employees to better understand their needs and identify areas for improvement.

  • Bi-directional feedback channels to gather real-time insights
  • Milestone, pulse, always-on, and annual surveys
  • Advanced employee segmentation for survey deployment and responses

eNPS positive comment screen

Foster a positive work environment

Create a culture of transparency and communication to improve engagement and foster a positive work environment.

  • Engagement themes, action planning, and initiative impact tracking
  • Real-time mass employee communication tool
  • Targeted employee experience actions and assignments

people analytics - frontline employee favorability over time report

Track employee sentiment over time

Understand how your employees view your company’s brand and how your employee engagement initiatives are paying off.

  • Employee sentiment timeline reports (eNPS, favorability, and more)
  • Employee population segments by role type, location, or other custom inputs
  • Segmentation by engagement themes such as pay, benefits, and career growth

Randy’s experience with WorkStep

“WorkStep’s employee engagement solution is a critical tool for Wineshipping to manage our business. Our employees are our greatest competitive advantage. With real-time employee sentiment tied to workforce outcomes, we’re able to quickly gather insights and take informed action.”

Randy Tucker, CEO, Wineshipping

Randy Tucker, CEO, Wineshipping